CC 3.5

Release Note
Release DateModuleVersion

1 ) Adding and Changing Features

  • Library update (Camera Status check is not compatible with lower version PlayCan Server)
  • Open Source remove files
    WebCameraController\drivers\AxNVPlayerCompX.dll WebCameraController\drivers\CameraControllerLog.dll WebCameraController\drivers\fastJSON.dll WebCameraController\drivers\interop.HWDVSGlobalsLib.dll WebCameraController\drivers\Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Common.dll WebCameraController\drivers\Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Logging.dll WebCameraController\drivers\Microsoft.Practices.ServiceLocation.dll WebCameraController\drivers\Microsoft.Practices.Unity.dll WebCameraController\drivers\Microsoft.Practices.Unity.Interception.dll WebCameraController\drivers\stdole.dll WebCameraController\drivers\VSOMWebService.dll WebCameraController\drivers\websocket-sharp.dll WebCameraController\CameraControllerLog.dll WebCameraController\Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Common.dll WebCameraController\Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Logging.dll WebCameraController\Microsoft.Practices.ServiceLocation.dll WebCameraController\Microsoft.Practices.Unity.dll WebCameraController\Microsoft.Practices.Unity.Interception.dll

Release DateModuleVersion

1 ) Adding and Changing Features

  • Videonatics module has been added
Release DateModuleVersion
2020-10-07CameraControl Server3.5.3.13


2월 릴리즈 후 릴리즈 노트가 작성되지 않고 이메일로만 전달되어 그동안의 변경사항을 업데이트합니다. 가장 큰 변화로는 기존에 Wizeye web과 Innowatch용 Control 서버로 나뉘었으나, 1개로 통합되었습니다. 또한, CC를 설치하기 전, Configuration과 관련해서 변경사항이 있습니다. VMS 연동과 관련하여 자세한 사항은 아래를 참고해주세요.


  • Genetec VMS - PTZ 기능 추가
  • Innowatch > camera status 기능 추가
  • Ciscovsm7 VMS - PTZ 기능 추가
  • Milestone VMS - PTZ 기능 추가. config 파일에서 <add key="MilestoneManagementServerAddress" value="{ip address}" /> 변경 필요


  • Mirasys VMS - 잘못된 url 파싱으로 PTZ 불가능하던 버그 수정
  • Mirasys VMS - Camera status 업데이트 로직 변경. 카메라 당 하나의 세션에서 하나의 mirasys 세션으로 전체 카메라 체크
  • ONVIF module을 사용하는 카메라 PTZ 불가능하던 버그 수정. IDIS 카메라에서 제어 가능.


  • .NET Framework 호환 버전 : 4.8.0
  • 설치 시 재배포 패키지 2013&2015 설치되도록 패키징
Release DateModuleVersion
2021-01-15CameraControl Server3.5.3.14


When installing CC, the required runtime packages were included and automatically installed, but were excluded.


1.The following items have been excluded. This item must be installed in advance.

  • .NET48
  • vcredist2013
  • vcredist2015

2. Service > Recovery options changed:

Change to try restarting until second. It will applied subsequent failures ‘Take No Action’

Release DateModuleVersion
2021-03-11CameraControl Server3.5.3.17


The 3rd-party module's library were removed from the CC package due to a security vulnerability. That is not related to N3N's CC. By default, the onvif module is supported. But if you are using a module like as a VMS or Samsung module, you have to copy the libraries by 'ThirdPartymodule.exe'.


  1. 3rd-party libraries were removed at the CC package.


  • ThirdPartyModule {version}.exe is provided to install a 3rd-party library to match the CC version. Those libraries are copied to the CC path after execution.

Release DateModuleVersion
2021-04-22CameraControl Server3.5.3.18


Some of library have fixed for security.


1. Remove dependencies of redistribution package 2008:

Remove dependency of MSVCR90.dll (vcredist2008 x86)

2. Hide Openssl version name related in Onvif dll:

Officially openssl library must be upgrade, but not compatible with existing codes So it hide the version information from being scanned.

